Recent Updates for Hiking Canada's Great Divide Trail

The following information was gleaned from my hike on the Great Divide Trail from Waterton to Robson between July 9, 2004 and August 9, 2004. I generally followed Dustin Lynx's route as spelled out in {\em Hiking Canada's Great Divide Trail}, published by Rocky Mountain Books. This document is meant to supplement the Guidebook. Some of the points are meant to clarify, others to correct, information contained in the book. As such, some of it reflects personaI opinion and must be treated with skepticism. Some of the points are meant to confirm things in the Guidebook that might worry a hiker. Some points try to help the hiker navigate the trail or to suggest or provide alternate routes. All prices are in Canadian dollars and all measurements are in metric. Conditions change, so read both the guidebook and this document with some skepticism. I found the guide to be very good and indispensable during my hike, and what follows are some updates, corrections, and alternatives to what is found in the guidebook.