Vector Bundles and an Introduction to Gauge Theory
These are the class notes to Math 433 - The Geometry of Vector Bundles
and an Introduction to Gauge Theory - during the spring semester
of 1998 at the The University of Illinois
at Urbana Champaign. The course is being taught by Professor
Steven Bradlow. For now, this page will
contain links to the just the class notes in dvi,TeX, and PostScript formats. You may download individual lectures or any of three .tar.gz files containing
blocks of lectures. As time goes by, more may
be added. The notes are being put into TeX by Hung-Jen Hsu and Chris Willett, two graduate students
at the University of Illinois. Any complaints, ideas, suggestions, or corrections
should be sent to Chris Willett.
The Syllabus and References
Geometry of Vector Bundles and an Introduction to Gauge Theory
The course will cover the following topics:
- [1]The Basics
- (a)Vector bundles and principal bundles: definitions and
basic constructions.
- (b)Connections, curvature, and gauge groups.
- (c)Characteristic classes and Chern-Weil theory
- [2] Some more specialized topics
- (a)Spin bundles and Dirac operators, SpinC bundles.
- (b)Holomorphic bundles and the notion of stability.
- (c)Equations of gauge theory (Yang-Mills, anti-self duality,Hermitian-Einstein, vortex, Seiberg-Witten).
- [3]Some big theorems and applications.
- (a) Theorem of Narasimhan and Seshadri, and Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondences.
- (b)Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants.
Lecturer: Steven Bradlow
Time: MWF 10am
Prerequisites:Some facility with the machinery of differential geometry (Math 423 or consent of the instructor)
Useful Texts:
- Differential Geometry of Complex Vector Bundles,S. Kobayashi, Princeton, 1987.
- Fiber Bundles. D. Husemoller, Springer-Verlag, 2nd Edition, 1975.
- Vector Bundles. H. Osborne, 1982.
- Characteristic Classes.J.Milnor and J. Stasheff, Princeton, 1974.
Some Other Useful References:
- The Topology of Fiber Bundles. Norman Steenrod, Princeton 1974.
- Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology. Raoul Bott and Loring
Tu, Springer-Verlag.
Individual Class Notes
Below are the class notes from the course in chronological order.
- [1]: Examples of Bundles from Geometry(PDF format or dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Tangent and Normal bundles. The Hopf bundle. Tautological
bundles. Homogeneous bundles.
- [2]: The Formal Definitions(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). General bundles. The appropriate categories.
Vector bundles. Principal bundles.
- [3]: Sections and Maps of Bundles(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Sections of a bundle. Bundle maps. Bundle Endo/Automorphisms.
Local picture of a bundle. Covers and transition functions.
- [4]: Constructing Bundles I(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Using covers and transition functions to construct vector bundles.
- [5]: Constructing Bundles II(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Using covers and
transition functions to construct principal bundles. Global descriptions
of association bundles. Principal fram bundles.
- [6]:Sections of Bundles(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript).Reducing bundles. Local descriptions
of sections. Gluing local sections together to get a global section for
vector and principal bundles.
- [7]:New Bundles from Old I(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Detecting trivial bundles.
The sum, tensor product, and wedge of two bundles. The dual/hom bundle.
- [8]:Metrics on Bundles(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Fiberwise metrics on vector bundles. Existence of metrics.
- [9]:New Bundles from Old II(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). A return to the
Hom bundle. Kernel,image,cokernel bundles.
- [10]:Pulling Back Bundles(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Pull backs. Homotopic maps yield
isomorphic bundles. The triviality of vector bundles over contractible manifolds.
- [11]:Looking for the Universal Bundle(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). The classification
problem. Spanning the fiber by sections. The evaluation map.
- [12]:A Digression on the Grassmanian(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Definitions and
examples of Grassmanians. Frame bundles rerevisited. Grassmanians as
smooth manifolds. The universal quotient bundle. Pull backs of
bundles over Grassmanians.
- [13]:Using the Universal Bundle(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). The universal bundle for smooth manifolds and vector bundles. Vectn(B). Constructions for non-compact manifolds and for principal bundles.
- [14]:Connections I(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Connections on trivial bundles.
Connections as a calculus of sections.
- [15]:Connections II(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Connections as a method
for differentiating sections of a vector bundle.
- [16]:Connections III(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). The local form of a connection.
Connection 1-forms. Covariant derivatives. Parallel sections. The existence question.
- [17]:Connections IV(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). The existence of connections. Two points of view on global connections from local ones. Parallel transport and partial differential equations.
- [18]:Parallel Transport(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Horizontal lifts of paths. Parallel Transport. Consequences of solutions of Ds=0. Distributions.
- [19]:Integrability(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Integrable submanifolds. Obstructions to integrability. Curavture of a connection.
- [20]:Curvature(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). A complex arrising from the curvature of a flat connection. Curvature as a measure of a failure of commutivity.
- [21]:Holonomy and Induced Connections(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Some causes of
holonomy. Homotopic paths induce the same holonomy. The Bianchi identity. Induced connections on sum, tensor.
- [22]:Induced Connections II(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Induced conections
on the dual, Hom, pullbacks.
- [23]:Induced Connections III(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Pulling back
connections over curves. Connections on isomorphic bundles. Compatible
- [24]:Connections on Tangent Bundles(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). The compatibility condition revisited. Connections on tangent bundles. Parallel transport
rerevisited. Geodesic curves.
- [25]:Consequences the Geodesic Equation(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Existence and
uniqueness of geodesic curves. The exponential map. The torsion of a
connection on a tangent bundle. The Levi-Civita connection.
- [26]:Characteristic Classes I(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). The goal. Two
approaches - Universal and concrete. Invariant polynomial functions on matrices.
- [27]:Characteristic Classes II(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) Independence of frame. Characteristic classes are cohomology classes.
- [28]:Transgression(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) The independence of characteristic
classes from specific connections. Defining the transgression of two
- [29]:Characteristic Classes for Complex Bundles I(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) Chern-Weil homomorphism. GL(n,C) invariant
polynomials. Symmetric functions. Chern classes of a complex bundle.
- [30]:Characteristic Classes for Complex Bundles II(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Chern classes are integral. Chern characters. Behavior of Chern classes under sum and tensor.
- [31]:Characteristic Classes for Complex Bundles III(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). Relations between Chern classes and
characters. Chern characters as a map between bundles and cohomology.
The real bundle case.
- [32]:Characteristic Classes for Real Bundles(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript). The Todd class.
Complexification of real bundles. GL(n,R) invariant polynomials.
- [33]:Pontrjagin Classes(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) O(n)-invariant polynomials. Pontrjagin classes for real bundles. The relationship between Pontrjagin classes and
Chern classes of a complexified bundle.
- [34]:Orientable Bundles(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) The underlying real structure of
complex bundles. Orientation preserving transformations. Oriented bundles.
- [35]: The Euler Class(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) The Euler class of a real, even
dimensional, oriented bundle. The Euler class of the underlying real structure
of a complex bundle. Relations to Chern classes.
- [36]:Detecting Orientability(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) Changing the orientation of a bundle. The Euler class as an index theorem. The questioj of orientable bundles.
- [37]:Cech Cohomology and Orientability(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) j-cochains and the
coboundary map. The first Stieffel-Whitney class as an obstruction to
- [38]:Spin Structures(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) The existence of Spin(n). Spin
bundles and spin structures. The second Stieffel-Whitney class as an obstruction to spin structures.
- [39]:SpinC I Structures(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) SpinC construction from Spin. Obstructions to SpinC structures.
- [40]:SpinC II(PDF format or .dvi format or TeX format or PostScript) Obstructions to SpinC structures in terms of the second Stieffel-Whitney class and the
first Chern class. Equations on bundles:ASD,Instantons,Yang-Mills.
You will need a way to uncompress these files. The easiest way is to do this
is on a UniX machine, where you would use tar and gunzip. For example,
gunzip vbas-tex.tar.gz
tar xvf vbas-tex.tar
If you are on a Macintosh, there are share/freeware utilities to do this.
If you are on a Microsoft machine, I am sure there are equivalents.
A text file of notation in TeX can be examined here.
A template for the TeX documents can be obtained here.
Last modified May 8, 1998, by Chris Willett